What are the positives from a digital approach to communication?

Individual timetable exported from SIMS in an app

If you have an app set up with registered known users what are the advantages?

Well, first of all, the communication costs become radically cheaper and unlimited.

If you can see every child’s parents in your app control panel then communicating to individuals or group can be managed quickly and easily at no additional cost. One school in Nottinghamshire has 191 pupils on their school roll. They know that 170 of the parents can be reached by the app. Until they took the app, their communication was in print form only. Now they need only to write to 21 parents. Their communication saving is 90% amounting to a saving of several thousand £s.

But there is more.  How much do you spend sending out school reports, forecast grades, attendance concerns, homework assignments, parent evening bookings and procedures?

If you can get your parents to download your school app free, you can start providing individual content.

They download the app; they register; their phone then becomes a direct receptacle of all the important information you need to communicate: Timetables, Reports, Attendance figures, Aspirational Targets, Teacher assignments. 

And why stop there... Why not communicate individually with teachers and governors as well as students and parents? Output what you want out of your school MIS system, provide a secure password access and suddenly the app is the entry point to all school information!