Award for one of our Directors

Life After Stroke Awards

Peter Sadler, co-director of Idea Farm Apps for Schools was awarded the Stroke Association's Award for Creative Arts 2014 under his artist name of Pieter Egriega..

Suffering a hemorrhagic stroke in June 2013 Peter lost the use of his right arm and right leg for several months and is training himself to walk again and write with pen and type.

As part of his recovery he continued to create, writing a book and performing songs he has written to demonstrate to other stroke survivors that life is not over when you have a stroke, it is actually a new beginning.

To see the film made by the stroke association view on YouTube

It was a difficult period for AppsforSchools but thanks to the rest of the team and several customers, we persevered and Peter has now returned to work and more customers are requesting that we build apps to enable parental communication.

With the forthcoming integration of SIMS into our Apps, there are some incredible possibilities beyond communicating with parents.