Surveys & forms

Part of the challenges with parental communication in a paretn or student app is not just one way traffic. You need to get responses from your commuity, documented responses.

Do you want to get some parent feedback on school? Do you want to provide parents with a structured way to notify school of a student's absence? Do you need to make permission slips digital so that you have a central area where all permission slips are retained?
Is parent feedback easy to view?
Absolutely. We understand that school admin time is already very stretched.

With an Apps for Schools' app, you can direct any feedback to your email inbox, so you can view it without having to open up the app control panel! If you're already in the app control panel, you can find all of the submissions displayed in there too! Parent to school communication at its most important level.

Forms and surveys can be sent to any school email who is responsible for collating the responses